Saturday, February 18th is on the horizon, and we are still hoping to complete the erection of the polytunnel on that date. As far as we know, we have all the necessary components and tools for the job, but there is a very large piece of poly to be hoisted over a pretty tall tunnel, and much anchoring and securing to be done. This promises to be a fun activity for those of you who enjoy problem solving (read between the lines here) and we would welcome the help of any able-bodied volunteers with a spade. Any not-so-able-bodied volunteers are also welcome to show up to throw in helpful advice about how things should have been done... The stove will be burning away in the (warm and toasty) hut, we will gladly provide hot drinks and there is even a rumour of bacon sandwiches, in addition to a few crumbs of cake. Arrivals circa 10.30am.
If you think that you can help, please let us know - but just turn up anyway if you find that you are free at the last moment. If you happen to be passing and cant help, please don't point and laugh.
Obviously the weather may yet make its own contribution to the proceedings. We will post here if the match is postponed.
We have recently purchased a bulk order of some more fruit bushes, and these are available for sale immediately.
Blackcurrants and redcurrants; summer and autumn raspberries; green and yellow gooseberries; and blueberries. We also have a small number of trees - apricot and apple (Blenheim orange) and rhubarb.
As well as those that we stock in the hut, we are able to order Mr Fothergill seeds, and you can get a discount of 25% on all orders.
Also, we have had a number of requests for mangetout peas, and we have received a bulk order for these.
Want an even better bargain? We are selling off a number of 2016 herb seeds at half price, and various 2016 flower seeds at 10 packets for £1.
Want free seeds? If you are up for it, we also have some veg seeds that we would love you take away - to sow, prick out and return in time for the Plant Sales! Needless to say, we will not be counting them all out and counting them all back, so some may find their way into your own seedling collection. Please let us know if you can help.
Open for business
We are now open on both Saturdays and Sundays, and it has been good to see many of you collecting your potato and onion orders. We still have a few orders awaiting collection, and we also have quantities of potatoes and onions for sale. Different varieties are sold out (or are well on the way to being so), so if you are currently potato-less we recommend that you visit asap!