Firstly, sadly, we have had a report of a number of instances of vandalism on parts of the Hagg Lane Allotment site. Obviously this is very upsetting for anyone affected, and we are sorry that there is nothing that we can do to help. If you do find that you have been a victim of any sort of criminal activity, we would always encourage you to report it to the police. We accept that there is probably little that can be done after the event, but it is important to make sure that crime statistics reflect what is happening.
Secondly, we have been told by the police that a number of “power tools” have been unexpectedly recovered from Hagg House Allotments, suggesting to the police that they were to be retrieved by criminals at a later date. As no one from Hagg House has laid claim to any of them, we would urge any allotment holder who might leave such tools on their plot to check that they are still there! Or, indeed, if you keep tools of this nature in a shed or outhouse at home. Again, if they have disappeared, you should inform the police.
Thirdly, bonfires. It is not illegal to have a bonfire, but the Allotment’s Office, along side many other local authorities, are asking us not to. Looking over the Rivelin Valley, it is noticeable how far smoke spreads across the city from bonfires on our site, and, indeed, across Sheffield. We are asked to be considerate to the many people who are having to stay at home, some of whom will have respiratory problems or coronavirus symptoms. As a bit of a hint, the South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue website has a page entitled
I pledge not to have a garden fire during the on-going pandemic…
The weather is great at the moment! The soil is warming and weeds are bursting forth. We hope that you are well, and continue to be able to enjoy gardening. Keep in touch if it helps!
Our very best wishes
Debbie and Eric